Food Business Coach Tracie

Sep 5, 20221 min

Launching my first PODCAST

Did you know that my work life, passion and mission is making a difference and adding immense value to my clients life?

People forever ask me- “what is it you do?”

I’m a Food Business Coach- the FIRST in IRELAND and abroad 💪 #ballsybitch

I love this question because it reminds me I’m one of the luckiest people I know and it’s not because my journey to here was easy, f*ukkkkkkk I only wish it was but it’s because I didn’t give up and followed my heart and my gut!

I always knew I was put here to be different so I now sit confidently and comfortably in that space but that took years to get to here and with many interesting twists and turns.

Casual dining and being a SME (Small & Medium Enterprise) can be absolutely gruelling. You are in a very niche group who

tackle fires and issues around the clock.

I set up my business to fire fight alongside you, to give you the tools to prevent the fires and to help you see your true worth and true value while increasing your profits €€€

Now I can share my NEWS with you all…….. Join me on my newest journey as I launch my very own PODCAST so that our foodie and business community can grow, learn, share and show-up for each other.

Fancy being my GUEST? Follow the link in my bio and SIGN UP NOW 💪🥳
